Monday, January 19, 2009

Interview with Armoured Saint

If your reading this from behind long greasy hair and a worn out Motor Head T-shirt, rest assured Metal is coming back from the underground, loud, fast and in your face.

1980s Metal pioneers Armored Saint along with Thrash Metal legends Death Angel will be coming to our humble shores in March to play gigs at all capital cities across the country. I spoke with Gonzo Sandoval, drummer for Armored Saint, about the upcoming tour, music, life and everything in between.

From a blisteringly hot Sydney to a breezy Los Angeles Gonzo Sandoval’s introspective voice beamed over the phone line. No words were minced no answers were uncertain Armored Saint is a live band that is ready to “rock out” come March. Despite having released their first E.P in 1983 I certainly wasn’t dealing with a group of aging rockers reliving the old days. Gonzo stressed the high energy and intensity they bring to their live performances. In fact his thirst for music and live shows is as strong now as when he first stole his mum’s car and drove to a gig in Hollywood. “I want to use my time to play music, do what I do and do it now!” With all this enthusiasm comes one of the most prolific periods in Gonzo’s long career, working on side projects: Son’s of Sandoval with his brother Phil as well as MX Machine who recently released their new single “Dog Town.”

Not bad for an older guy huh? This burst of inspiration comes from nothing short of an intoxicating aura of positivity and love of music. When asked how this optimism translates to the Metal genre, Gonzo conceded it hasn’t always been his perspective on life. “I understand the angst and anger of youth in rock ‘n’ roll.” After all Armored Saint has been through its fair share of hardships losing guitarist Dave Prichard as their careers really started to soar. Despite having a short hiatus afterwards, it is these untimely reminders of their own mortality from which the band drew a lot of inspiration. “In youth I drank a lot, I rocked hard. I have been allowed to have a second chance... I feel I have been reintroduced to music for the first time. Finally I am allowing music her self to play me.”

Death Angel, a band Gonzo met when it’s members were just 14 years old, now has a close connection with Armored Saint. Together their live performances should leave your ears ringing and tongue wagging. Gonzo tells me confidently “the Aussie audience is in for a surprise.” Playing at some intimate venues around the country Gonzo admits Armored Saint is best suited to large stadium rock but the close quarter gig will be better experience for the fans. “Our sound is nice and tight. You are gonna really feel Armored Saint.” As always our reputation as an awesome crowd proceeds us. “I hear you guys love to rock ‘n’ roll, we are all in the same boat.” So brush off those leather jackets and start growing that hair because Metal is coming back and it’s on for young and old. “Metal has always been the black sheep. It seemed to have gone away for a while. I think a new generation is coming out. It time for a merging of generations.”

But after all what would my interview be without a leak, get excited because we will be hearing some new material from the band during their tour and a full length studio album is in the making.

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